Our sketching meetups

Where do we meet for sketching?
Our sketching meetups happen at varied locations around Wellington, Lower and Upper Hutt, Eastbourne, Porirua, and sometimes further afield, like the Wairarapa and the Kapiti Coast.

The blog lists the date, time and location of upcoming sketching meetups. Cancellations, if any, due to bad weather will be posted the night before a meetup, so please always check the blog on the morning of the sketching meetup. It is helpful to RSVP by email (Wellington.Sketchers at gmail.com).

What does it cost?
We do not charge fees, because Wellington Sketchers is a just a casual group of sketchers getting together at a location to sketch and at a cafe afterwards.

What do I bring to sketching meetups?
Bring your own sketchbook and whatever medium you want to sketch with: pencil, charcoal, pen & ink, watercolours, whatever you can (and want to) carry. Wellington Sketchers does not supply art materials.
Keep a few paperclips or pegs in your pocket to hold your sketchbook pages if a breeze blows up.
Depending on the weather & location, you may want to bring a thick piece of plastic or something to sit on. Some sketchers like to use a foldup chair, others simply stand and sketch. Whatever suits you.

Can I suggest a day/time/date/location/event for a sketching meetup or offer to run a meetup?
Please do! Email us at Wellington.Sketchers at gmail.com or leave a comment on this page. It would be great to have people from different parts of Wellington, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt, Porirua, and Kapiti suggesting or running a sketching meetup, as locals are most likely to know the best places to sketch and what events are going on in their area. Go for it!

Main Street, Greytown (KK)


  1. Dear Wellington Sketchers

    Fantastic to see your new site, you have lots of very sketchable locations at your doorstep.
    If any of you are up in Taranaki, feel free to join us for an afternoon's sketching - typically any Saturday at 1.30pm

    The Taranaki Sketchers
    (All the best for the next Sketch Crawl)

  2. Thank you! Likewise! Hopefully we will all get some great weather on the day. Looking forward to seeing more of Taranaki in sketches.

  3. Delighted to see this group exists. I'm a Wellington girl from way back, now of Sydney.
    Would love to join you when back in early December.
    This is my blog.

  4. Thanks Erin! I'm an ex-Sydneysider now in Wellington, so we have swapped!
    We'd love to have you join us. Closer to the time, if you let us know when you will be in town, and any places you are particularly homesick to sketch, we'll try and organise a sketching meetup for it :o) Otherwise, just pop along to any meetup. I really enjoyed looking at your blog, and the sketching holidays particularly. My idea of a perfect holiday, in fact.

  5. Hi again,
    Saw your reply to my June comment just now! Oops.
    I'm able to meet on Dec 10th only.
    Thinking Pravda at 10am for a cafe sketch, then a quick street sketch maybe for an hour or so.
    Absolutely love it if anyone could join me there.

    i'm then headed to Taupo where I'm offering a 2/3 day Travel Sketch Workshop for people keen to try this.
    Then another in Auckland the next week if anyone is interested.
    Cheers to all.
